How To Avoid Dry Socket After Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are quite simple and common procedures. They take just a few minutes, don't hurt, and are commonly used for orthodontic treatments to make more space in the mouth for the teeth to align properly. 

But, as simple as a tooth extraction can be, the healing process requires a bit more attention. That's because of a complication that can occur, called a dry socket. 

A dry socket is an inflammation of the empty tooth socket. It can be very painful and needs to be addressed immediately. So, here's how your child can avoid it altogether. 

How Do You Know You Have Dry Socket?

Keep in mind that feeling discomfort and a degree of pain are normal after a tooth extraction procedure. Even soreness and swelling are normal. But if these symptoms do not diminish or they return, it can be a sign that you've developed a dry socket. 

Other dry socket symptoms include:

  • Pain in the gum or jaw 
  • An unusual and unpleasant smell coming from the area
  • Bad taste that comes from the area 
  • The pain starts to radiate to the rest of the face

What to Do to Avoid Dry Socket

To avoid a dry socket, be very mindful of these habits that can lead to complications after your child has a tooth extraction:

  • Don't use a straw to drink as it can make the blood clot loosen and affect the healing process.
  • Smoking can delay the healing process because it raises blood pressure. That in turn can make that area bleed more. So, if possible, avoid smoking for a few days. 
  • Be careful with oral hygiene. It is important to keep your mouth clean, but use a special, soft toothbrush for the socket. Avoid brushing altogether on the first day after the extraction. 
  • Allow your body to rest and heal and avoid any straining or intense physical activity as it can dislodge the blood clot. 
  • Do not bite and chew on the side of the extraction site. 
  • Eat soft foods that do not require a lot of chewing to avoid getting any food debris stuck in the socket, festering there. 
  •  Avoid drinking and eating foods that are too hot. 
  • Keep the extraction site clean by rinsing softly with water and salt. The rest of the teeth can be washed, flossed, and rinsed normally. It is important to keep your mouth clean and avoid bacteria formation. 

Pediatric Tooth Extractions Done Right in Ashburn

Talk to your Ashburn dentist about what you can do at home to ensure your child's extraction site will heal properly and avoid complications.

If they experience symptoms like the ones mentioned above together with fever, nausea, pus, pain, or bleeding, contact your dentist urgently. 

At Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Ashburn, will offer your child the care he or she needs. We focus on treating the child, not just the dental issues, and understand that every kid is unique. 

Contact us today and we will help give your child a beautiful, healthy smile. 

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